Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Guide to Dermaplaning

Roma Med Spa: Medical Skin care & Aesthetics | ADVATX Laser Hair Removal | Hydrafacials | Waxing

8481 S Yosemite St Unit A-Suite 804, Lone Tree, CO 80124

#The Complete Guide to Dermaplaning

**Dermaplaning** is a skin treatment that removes dead skin cells and vellus hair (peach fuzz) from the face using a surgical scalpel or specialized blade. This treatment has become increasingly popular due to its ability to make the skin look brighter, smoother and more youthful.

##What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is also known as microplaning or blading. During this treatment, a trained esthetician or doctor uses a sterile, surgical scalpel to gently shave the skin’s surface at a 45 degree angle. This removes the top-most layer of dead skin along with fine vellus hair.

##Dermaplaning is not the same as dermabrasion. Dermabrasion uses a rotating brush or diamond-tip wand that sands the skin’s top layers down, while dermaplaning simply scrapes off the top layer. Dermaplaning is considered a much gentler form of manual exfoliation for the skin.

##Benefits of Dermaplaning

There are many benefits associated with dermaplaning:

  • Removes dead skin cells, leaving skin looking radiant immediately after treatment
  • Eliminates fine vellus hair for smooth, hair-free skin
  • Allows skincare products like serums to better absorb into the skin
  • Reduces the appearance of acne scars
  • Minimizes the look of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Removes “peach fuzz” for soft, smooth skin
  • Safe for all skin types and tones

##Who is Dermaplaning For?

**Dermaplaning** is suitable for most skin types and skin tones. It is gentle enough for sensitive skin. It can benefit both men and women of any age or skin color.

Some reasons people get dermaplaning treatments include:

  • Removing facial hair and peach fuzz
  • Minimizing wrinkles and acne scarring
  • Clearing away dead skin cells and improving product absorption
  • Making makeup application smoother

##Dermaplaning should not be done on clients who:

  • Have active acne breakouts or other facial infections
  • Take blood thinners or blood-thinning medications
  • Have extremely sensitive skin

Always consult a dermatologist first if you have concerns about whether dermaplaning is right for your skin.

##How is Dermaplaning Performed?

The typical dermaplaning procedure takes about 30 to 60 minutes and requires no downtime afterward.

It is performed in the following steps:

  1. The face is cleansed and prepped for treatment.
  2. The esthetician or doctor will hold the skin taut using one hand.
  3. With the other hand, the skilled provider will glide a surgical scalpel across the skin at a 45 degree angle, lifting away dead skin and vellus hair as they move. Strokes are applied in the direction of hair growth.
  4. The process is repeated across the full face, often done in sections.
  5. A soothing gel or serum is applied after dermaplaning.
  6. SPF 30 sunscreen should be applied after each session.

Most clients only need a series of 2-6 dermaplaning sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart to see results. Ongoing maintenance may involve treatments every 4-12 weeks.

##Side Effects and Risks

Dermaplaning is considered very safe with minimal risks when performed correctly by a licensed esthetician or doctor.

Possible side effects include:

  • Temporary redness and irritation
  • Flakiness for 1-2 days after
  • Increased sensitivity to products immediately after
  • Rare minor scrapes, cuts or abrasions

To avoid potential complications or skin injury, it is important to choose an experienced provider and follow all pre- and post-treatment instructions carefully.

##Takeaways on Dermaplaning

  • Dermaplaning exfoliates the skin's top layer using a special surgical blade.
  • Benefits include facial hair removal, smoothing skin texture and improving product absorption.
  • The treatment takes 30-60 minutes with no downtime required afterward.
  • It is safe for most skin types when performed by a qualified professional.
  • Minimal side effects are temporary redness or irritation.
  • Results are visible immediately and improve over 2-6 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart.
  • Ongoing treatments every 4-12 weeks help maintain smooth, youthful and vibrant skin.


Dermaplaning is a safe, effective treatment for revealing brighter, smoother skin by removing dead cells and fine facial hair. When performed properly, it can help achieve a glowing, ageless complexion. Consider dermaplaning if you want to improve the look and feel of your skin without surgery or lasers. Be sure to use a licensed professional for best results and minimal side effects.

"Aesthetics Skin Care"
##Skin Care Lone Tree CO##
**Skin Treatment Lone Tree CO**


ADVATX, MEDICAL AESTHETICS, FACIALS, WAXING, Laser Hair Removal, Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels, Microneedling, Dermaplaning, Medical Esthetician,



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